Hi! I'm Enes, I'm 25 years old. I've been working as Software Engineer at Trendyol for 2 years. I like researching and learning new things. I like to tell others what I've learned and that's why I keep a blog. When I read monotonous and same content articles, I feel like screaming and I try to write different things to save people from boredom.
Recently added
Set up sound notification when bash command is done
-1 min
Exploring Web APIs: Console
-6 min
Short notes about Golang
-9 min
Software Design Principles: Single Level of Abstraction
-6 min
Short notes about React
-12 min
Execute remote Node.js file
-1 min
Get the name of changed files in MR
-1 min
Run a bash command every project in a folder
-1 min
Create merge request to target branch automatically
-1 min
Apply a style to the first child in an element in CSS
-1 min
Kill the running application using the port number
-1 min
Update npm version automatically
-1 min
Hide MaxListenersExceededWarning warnings of Node.js
-1 min
Find all stage names in Gitlab CI YAML files
-1 min
Reset default HTML element styles
-1 min
How to truncate texts in multiple lines in CSS?
-1 min
How to get merge request ID on Gitlab master pipeline?
-2 min
What is CI/CD and how to measure the impact?
-1 min
What is function overloading?
-5 min